SS 21 "The wind is blowing"

by Nadezda Abzaeva | Follow
The SS 21 collection is called "The Wind Is Blowing". It contains sound, movement, contact of worlds. When the wind blows, waving chiy moriin on the branches, prayers are recited. Prayers connect the world of people, the world of nature and the world of spirits / deities together, there is harmony, the unity of everything. I remember this wonderful rite from childhood and now we also go to the datsan every year to tie the khiymorin in the right direction of the wind. When developing the concept of the collection, I used elements of culture that were important to me. For example, the shape of a horn. I assemble this shape from pieces of fabric and use it as a module for subsequent experiments with deconstruction. The cutting of the national costume of many peoples is based on the principle of waste-free production. Today, this important idea of ​​ecology and respect for nature and the world is once again becoming relevant. And this is very inspiring. In the collection, some of the items are constructed from cutouts from patterns - fabric cuts that remain after production. Art director Anna Bakhareva Style Evgeniya Shagdarova Photo Alice Baklashova Video Viktor Yao Fun Tan Mua Alexandra Plotnikova Hair Tonya Petrova Sofia Nee Model Agency Set/studio 11 gate
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Saturday, March 20, 2021